Preview – Intel Core i9 12900HK

Cea de-a 12-a generatie de procesoare Intel Core, nume de cod Alder Lake H, este alcatuita din doua modele Core i9, 3 modele Core i7 si 3 modele Core i5. Intel Core i9 12900HK si Intel Core i9 12900H sunt alcatuite din 6 nuclee P si 8 nuclee E si pot atinge o frecventa maxima de 5GHz. Ambele procesoare sunt echipate cu o cantitate de memorie cache L3 de 24MB si ambele au un TDP de baza de 45W, diferenta dintre ele fiind data de multiplicatorul deblocat, in cazul modelului HK.
Intel Core i7 12800H si Intel Core i7 12700H sunt echipate cu 6 nuclee P si 8 nuclee E, respectiv 24MB cache L3, la fel ca si fratii mai mari, diferenta fiind data de frecventa maxima, mai precis 4.8GHz pentru 12800H, respectiv 4.7GHz pentru 12700H. Cel de-al treilea model din gama Core i7 este foarte interesant, avand o configuratie diferita. Astfel, Intel Core i7 12650H este echipat cu 6 nuclee P, dar de aceasta data avem de-a face cu 4 nuclee E, numarul total al threadurilor scazand in acest caz de la 20 la 16.
In cazul modelelor Core i5, avem de-a face cu doua configuratii asemanatoare, diferentiate prin suportul Intel vPro, mai precis Intel Core i5 12600H si Intel Core i5 12500H. Acestea sunt echipate cu 4 nuclee P si 8 nuclee E (16 fire de executie), 18MB cache L3 si ating o frecventa maxima de 4.5GHz. Mezinul familiei, Intel Core i5 12450H, este alcatuit din 4 nuclee P si 4 nuclee E (12 fire de executie) si este dotat cu 12MB cache L3. Micutul atinge o frecventa maxima de 4.4GHz si are de asemenea un TDp de baza de 45W.
Notebook-ul testat de noi este echipat cu varful de gama Intel Core i9 12900HK, 32GB DDR5 4800 CL40, o solutie RAID PCI-E 4 de 2TB si o placa grafica nelansata in momentul de fata. Drept urmare, am rulat testele de procesor si de stocare, doarece la capitolul gaming nu avem inca termen de comparatie.

La multi ani! Multumim pentru acest preview de inceput de an! Sunt perfect de acord cu Monstru, o sa avem un an incendiar pe piata procesoarelor.
what kind of cooling was it?
Lexx – high end vapour chamber laptop
What’s the sustained power consumption while you are testing 12900HK on Cinebench on both(connected and not connected to the power)?
Pingback: Ang Intel Core i9-12900HK ay nasusubok, mas mabilis kaysa sa AMD Threadripper 1950X sa Cinebench R20 - TL Atsit
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Pingback: Intelのコアi9-12900HKAlder Lakeは、ノートブックCPUのパワーに飢えた獣であり、AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - Tech News
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK se prueba, más rápido que AMD Threadripper 1950X en Cinebench R20 - ES Atsit
Pingback: Intel’s Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake Is A Power Hungry & Beast of A Notebook CPU, Up To 29% Faster Than AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX | Tech Last Week
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake Adalah Power Hungry & Beast of A Notebook CPU, Hingga 29% Lebih Cepat Dari AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - ID Atsit
Pingback: Le processeur Intel Core i9-12900HK est testé, plus rapide que l'AMD Threadripper 1950X dans Cinebench R20 - FR Atsit
Pingback: O Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake da Intel é um processador de notebook que consome muita energia e é até 29% mais rápido que o AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - Tech News
Pingback: Ang Intel's Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake ay Isang Power Hungry & Beast of A Notebook CPU, Hanggang 29% Mas Mabilis Kaysa AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - TL Atsit
Pingback: Intels Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake ist ein leistungshungriges Biest einer Notebook-CPU, bis zu 29 % schneller als AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - DE Atsit
Pingback: Intel's Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake is een energiehonger en beest van een notebook-CPU, tot 29% sneller dan AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - NL Atsit
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Pingback: Intel's Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake là một con quái vật mạnh mẽ của CPU máy tính xách tay, nhanh hơn tới 29% so với AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - VI Atsit
Pingback: O Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake da Intel é um processador de notebook que consome muita energia e é até 29% mais rápido que o AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - BR Atsit
Pingback: Le Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake d'Intel est un processeur affamé de puissance et bête d'un ordinateur portable, jusqu'à 29 % plus rapide que l'AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - FR Atsit
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK wordt getest, sneller dan AMD Threadripper 1950X in Cinebench R20 - NL Atsit
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK тестируется быстрее, чем AMD Threadripper 1950X в Cinebench R20 - RU Atsit
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK wird getestet, schneller als AMD Threadripper 1950X im Cinebench R20 - DE Atsit
Pingback: Testowany jest procesor Intel Core i9-12900HK, szybszy niż AMD Threadripper 1950X w Cinebench R20 - PL Atsit
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK wird getestet, schneller als AMD Threadripper 1950X im Cinebench R20 - Tech News
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HKは、CinebenchR20のAMDThreadripper1950Xよりも高速にテストされます。 - JA Atsit
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HKは、CinebenchR20のAMDThreadripper1950Xよりも高速にテストされます。 - JA Atsit - Tech News
Pingback: El Intel Core i9-12900HK aparece por Cinebench superando a un Threadripper 1950X
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK é testado, mais rápido que o AMD Threadripper 1950X no Cinebench R20 - BR Atsit
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK é testado, mais rápido que o AMD Threadripper 1950X no Cinebench R20 - Tech News
Pingback: Intel Core i9-12900HK được kiểm tra, nhanh hơn AMD Threadripper 1950X trong Cinebench R20 - VI Atsit
Pingback: Intel | Core i9-12900HK é quase 30% mais forte que o Ryzen 9 5900HX
Pingback: Intel’s Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake Is A Power Hungry & Beast of A Notebook CPU, Up To 29% Faster Than AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX – Wccftech – Your best offers
Pingback: Intel’s Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake Is A Power Hungry & Beast of A Notebook CPU, Up To 29% Faster Than AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX – Australia News
Pingback: Core i9-12900HK Beats Threadripper 1950X In Cinebench R20 Benchmark – Savvysavingreviews
Pingback: El Core i9-12900HK supera al Threadripper 1950X en el banco de pruebas Cinebench R20U digital PortalU digital cursos gratis, portal de aplicaciones y cursos gratis
Pingback: بنچمارک های جدید Core i9 12900HK – سریعتر از Threadripper 1950X – دورنگر | اخبار علمی و فرهنگی
Pingback: Cinebench R20 exposes Core i9-12900HK running score, surpasses AMD thread tearer 1950X - Airvers Tech News
Pingback: Cinebench R20曝光酷睿i9-12900HK跑分超越AMD線程撕裂者1950X – WONGCW 網誌
Pingback: Intel’s i9-12900HK can outperform a Threadripper 1950X in Cinebench R20 | KitGuru
Pingback: Le Core i9-12900KH bat le Ryzen Threadripper 1950X sous Cinebench R20 - Archynewsy
Pingback: The Intel Core i9-12900HK appears by Cinebench beating a Threadripper 1950X - ✅
Pingback: Intel's Core i9-12900HK Alder Lake Is A Power Hungry & Beast of A Notebook CPU, Up To 29% Faster Than AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX - interteiment
Pingback: Core i9-12900HK Beats Threadripper 1950X In Cinebench R20 Benchmark
Pingback: Core i9-12900HK Beats Threadripper 1950X In Cinebench R20 Benchmark
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