AMD Ryzen 4000 Mobile – Part II – Lenovo IdeaPad 5 – AMD Ryzen 5 4500U & AMD Ryzen 7 4700U

Lenovo IdeaPad 5 este o gura de aer proaspat in segmentul notebook-urilor accesibile, oferind performanta unui desktop de acum cativa ani intr-un format compact si elegant. Ca sa va dati seama ce vreau sa spun, Intel Core i7 7700K, un varf de gama desktop lansat cu 3 ani in urma, obtinea in review-ul nostru de lansare 986 de puncte in Cinebench. AMD Ryzen 5 4500U, al doilea cel mai mititel procesor din gama 15W TDP lansata astazi (cel mai mic fiind Ryzen 3 4300U) obtine 1007 puncte in acelasi benchmark.
Asta in conditiile in care 7700K avea un MSRP de 300 USD, iar pretul de pornire pentru Lenovo IdeaPad 5 este de aproximativ 533 USD. Da, chiar cred ca de data aceasta putem discuta despre progres tehnologic, asa cum nu am mai vazut de ceva timp in domeniul notebook-urilor. Si de aceasta data, chiar si cei care nu dispun de un buget generos se pot bucura de acest progres, datorita unor game de produse de genul Lenovo IdeaPad 5.
Desigur, acest lucru se datoreaza in primul rand noilor procesoare AMD, producatorul american atacand in forta segmentul notebook, asa cum a facut-o in ultimii ani in cazul desktop-urilor. Si daca eficienta arhitecturii Zen 2 a fost evidenta inca din momentul lansarii, lucrurile devin si mai interesante in formate limitate la capitolul consum.
Astfel, datorita unei arhitecturi moderne, procesului de fabricatie pe 7nm si stransei colaborari cu integratorii, AMD au reusit sa lanseze o intreaga serie low-voltage cu performante comparabile cu ceea ce vedeam pe desktop-uri in urma cu 3 ani. Mai mult decat atat, procesoarele din seria U intrec fara probleme procesoarele omoloage din seria Intel Core 10xxGx de la Intel, atat la capitolul perfomanta procesor, cat si la capitolul performanta grafica integrata.
In aceste conditii, o intreaga categorie de produse tocmai a primit o infuzie serioasa de performanta, iar cei de la Intel au in sfarsit un concurent serios si in cazul platformelor portabile, AMD aplicand cu succes aceeasi strategie implementata si in cazul segmentului desktop. Procesoare mai performante, pentru preturi competitive. Si pana acum, am discutat doar despre procesoarele din seria U. Cred ca va dati seama ce urmeaza in cazul procesoarelor full-power, nu-i asa?

Hello, thank you for the explicit test , but could you confirm if it´is dual channel RAM or just single.The values of CPU Z screenshot are a bit confusing.
this one is dual-channel – there are single-channel and dual-channel versions available.
Thank you ,
i suppose the 16 gb version is dual and the 8 gb single , but both soldered .Is that right?
Yes, I think so
Hi, would be cool if you could also review the speakers. Maybe even make a recording of how they sound with some decent mic, ideally stereo one. Did you listen to any music on them?
Was the CPU throttling? Looks like it was? Then I wonder how much more cpu power could we squeeze by applying liquid metal.
Hi Andrew, our tests are more performance oriented, so we usually do not test the speakers.
Regarding throttling, AMD Renoir has TjMax set at 105 oC, so as long as the temperature doesn’t get there the CPU is not throttling.
Am o întrebare despre recenzia dvs. despre Lenovo IdeaPad 5 15.
Cu versiunea RAM de 16 GB, puteți vedea pe imaginea CPU-Z de pe cardul „Memorie” că este „Dual Channel”.
Dar pe cardul „SPD” puteți vedea că slotul nr. 1 este gol.
Cum sunt posibile cele două lucruri în același timp?
Memoria este lipita pe placa de baza, motiv pentru care CPU-Z nu poate citi SPD-ul. Fiind vorba despre chip-uri lipite pe placa de baza, nu despre slot-uri SO-DIMM, acestea sunt configurate in dual-channel din controller.
CPU-Z este un simplu utilitar, nefiind infailibil, in special daca programatorul nu a avut acces la astfel de configuratii.
Hello, i think you claim that the ssd is a toshiba bg4 m2 2230. I also think it is a toshiba bg4 but not of size m2 2230. It looks to be an earlier discontinued sample of bg4 with length m2 2242 and with no full hardware disk encryption (opal2.0) but only partial encryption (pyrite). Can you chexk again and confirm?
Dear Monstru,
thank you for the great review. Can you tell your readers if with the IdeaPad 5 15 ARE, you can switch from 15 to 25 Watt in BIOS?
I have to check, but from what I know it is possible
Thanks for answering. It would be great if you can look into it again.
By the way, your review has quite a huge fanbase at some German tech and shopping communities. The reason is the attractiveness of the new IdeaPad Ryzen 4000-lineup with cheap prices, and your review currently being the only one available on the internet. Your website stats should show a lot of traffic from Germany at the moment. ;-)
I’ve noticed…Germany and UK (they also have it there) :)
Hey, is the RAM upgradeable in the 8gb soldered model? It isn’t clear from the pics
hello, does anyone know if we can change the ssd or the ram in the 14″ intel version ? thank you
The RAM is not upgradeable – soldered only. But both 14″ and 15″ have have either M.2 2242 or 2280 option, so you can change the SSD.
Hello Monstru,
any update on the question if you can switch from 15 to 25 Watt in the BIOS of the IdeaPad 5 15? Along with the official Lenovo tool “Lenovo Vantage” (which offers a “Performance Mode”), this could give a nice boost to the CPU/GPU.
It would be really great if you have the time to look into it.
Hi Jona,
sorry I didn’t get to look into this, but I have 10 x Z490 motherboards that need my attention until Apr 30, so I was a bit busy.
One thing however, the Vantage version on S540 13ARE has the same 3 options that we can see in BIOS (Battery Saving, Intelligent Cooling and Extreme Performance). So if we can switch the TDP… that is it, there is no other extra option, other than setting the Windows Slider to Performance.
Now, I see no reason for IdeaPad 5 to be different, but I will double check.
Hi Monstru,
thanks for the response. I didn’t intend to stress you in any way, and it sounds like you’re busy with other things, too. It’s positive that it looks like one can regulate the TDP somewhat, either in BIOS or via Software. Should give a little performance boost at least. Best Regards to Romania, stay healthy! ;-)
Hi Jona,
no, no, you did not stress me in any way, do not worry about it. I was just explaining why I can’t do it right now, that is all, no stress :)
Thank you for this review, the most complete and still straight forward I’ve ever read
That achieved to convince me to buy that pc even though it was a little bit priecier than in Germany or in the UK. I think there are no competitors right now for that price range.
I am glad you like it. I think they are very nice machines for the price and the AMD CPU’s are amazing!
Este disponibil laptopul asta in Ro?
Hi do you know if this laptop will output to a 4K monitor at 60hz? I believe you can use Display Port 1.2 via the USB-C? Any idea? Thankyou so much great review
Vlad – momentan si-a facut aparitia in Germania si Marea Britanie, va ajunge cat de curand in in Romania.
Matthew – I do not have any information regarding this at the moment.
According to specs, it can’t. You should look into Yoga Slim 7, it has better connectivity:
supports external digital monitor via HDMI or USB Type-C;
supports three independent displays;
Max resolution: 4096×2160 @48-60Hz (HDMI); 5120×2880 @60Hz (Type-C)
Salut, a aparut modele in Romania? Mai precis cu procesorul de 4500u?
Salut a aparut undeva in Romania modele cu proc 4500u ?
A aparut, s-a si epuizat deja –
The only downsize of this Ideapad 5 14″ or 15″, AMD or Intel, is the display: no matter if TN(220 nits) or IPS (300 nits) it’s only 45% sRGB which means washout colours. If this is a stopper for you, go for Yoga Slim 7 which has 100% sRGB and more improvements but more expensive.
Still Ideapad 5 is best value for money you can get especially the middle option 14ARE05 Ryzen 5 if you can find it on stock at around 600EUR – due to online school pandemic situation stocks for cheap laptops are evaporated and the prices are now 25% higher.
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